
Showing posts from July, 2017


I 've just completed (almost) 5 seasons of Orphan Black, in about 2-3 days. All the while, I wondered, "What am I doing? ...I know I'm avoiding work... How long am I going to keep this up?... I need a head-smack." I swear, it's like when you have your life (at least) somewhat figured out, with no big crutches that keep sending you back down into that self-made pit you're hopefully not too well acquainted with, when you're not at rock bottom, adrift in a whirl of confusion, depression and inner anarchy... only then is when others care to associate with you. Only then is help found, a sad irony. I sit here on my bed, having binged on a 5-season series, as a way of escaping, chilling, and being in a safe and even exciting place, one that lasts only 40 minutes at a time. Alas, I don't want to address the harsh, hard, unsettling world. No,certainly not. I nsulated in a cocoon of a steady stream of entertainment... that is my world. My world o