

I 've just completed (almost) 5 seasons of Orphan Black, in about 2-3 days. All the while, I wondered, "What am I doing? ...I know I'm avoiding work... How long am I going to keep this up?... I need a head-smack." I swear, it's like when you have your life (at least) somewhat figured out, with no big crutches that keep sending you back down into that self-made pit you're hopefully not too well acquainted with, when you're not at rock bottom, adrift in a whirl of confusion, depression and inner anarchy... only then is when others care to associate with you. Only then is help found, a sad irony. I sit here on my bed, having binged on a 5-season series, as a way of escaping, chilling, and being in a safe and even exciting place, one that lasts only 40 minutes at a time. Alas, I don't want to address the harsh, hard, unsettling world. No,certainly not. I nsulated in a cocoon of a steady stream of entertainment... that is my world. My world o


Describes half the episode The episode started off generic with more or less no punchline or decent humour, except of course the part where the younger fashion blogger/ signed author is like, "I will be sitting on a subway next to a homeless man pleasuring myself under my..pleaded leather skirt. The camera will be placed here (pointing between her knees). The picture will be taken the exact moment I climax. 'That' is the cover of my book. My orgasm."  And the rest of us be like... Like, I can't even draw a picture of what that cover would look like. So.. elephant in the room.. truffle butter.. I know. According to the trusty Urban Dictionary... It starts off with Michelle, one of Liza's NJ friends, proudly shows off her truffle butter t-shirt (which I'm sure you can find on Amazon). "..My daughter gave it to me, coz I'm kind of a foodie."  And then in a slow husky voice, adds, " I lo..oove tr


So.. post #1. From a crappy series-and-movie binging habit, to a more glorified writing one. And today, I talk about Younger SE2E4. We certainly know 'you' have I started and finished SN1 yesterday. General thoughts?  To state the obvious, Liza's young-looking, but in the real-world, maybe not plausibly a millenial. Soft and 'doe-eyed' as she may appear, the slight chin sag and aged cheeks just give off this indelible mom vibe. (Use your thumb to block out upwards from the nose).  So, I'm wondering. Do you think she portrays millenials in too much of a stereotypical way? Or does she add a layer of complexity that does justice to a true portrays of Gen Ys? She 'is' older, so granted, naturally more complex. In a sense, she literally embodies the maturity of many a millenial in being a 40-year old in the semblance of a 26-year old, thus eliminating the preconceived bias of her 'acting' her age. We millenials, to the rest of