Describes half the episode

The episode started off generic with more or less no punchline or decent humour, except of course the part where the younger fashion blogger/ signed author is like, "I will be sitting on a subway next to a homeless man pleasuring myself under my..pleaded leather skirt. The camera will be placed here (pointing between her knees). The picture will be taken the exact moment I climax. 'That' is the cover of my book. My orgasm." 

And the rest of us be like...

Like, I can't even draw a picture of what that cover would look like.

So.. elephant in the room.. truffle butter.. I know.

According to the trusty Urban Dictionary...

It starts off with Michelle, one of Liza's NJ friends, proudly shows off her truffle butter t-shirt (which I'm sure you can find on Amazon).

"..My daughter gave it to me, coz I'm kind of a foodie." 
And then in a slow husky voice, adds, " I lo..oove truffle butter." Notice how her husband licks his lips like, 'that's some good stuff!'

I'm sure you do, girl!

Then comes the pot pot, or as Liza calls it, a lollipot... (Where can I find them? - well-wishers, do send me a sample. I'll forward my address details for shipping).

Anyway, as soon as Josh pulls it out, Liza is like, "You're the one who wanted to go to the suburbs of NJ. You have to experience this 'raw.' No hemp-colored glasses."

Wait... what? 

I'm sure Josh was cursing inwardly like..

Bitch don't cramp my swag doe'

Ironically, Liza gets stoned after chewing the whole thing in one go like 'bitch I can't be bothered to experience the rest of this 'raw.' When Josh later realizes how high she is, he proposes they leave. As they walk out, Michelle, being the oh so considerate hostess (bless her soul), suggests, "Next time more protein. Eat more steak." 

Cheeky and amused, Liza turns and responds, "With truffle butter.. Michelle you're so na..sty!" (She, like the rest of us, noticed the unintended pun from 1. eating steak and 2. with truffle butter)

Got that right, Raven

All in all, an episode fraught with sexual innuendos and just plain weirdness. Moral of the story, nastiness certainly knows no age.

As an appropriate send-off, feel free to watch this most peculiar video.

I've taken the liberty to pick out the lyrics that best communicate the song's message

Lil Wayne:

"Truffle butter on your pussy
Cuddle buddies on the low
You ain't gotta tell your friend
That I eat it in the morning

Put it on my dick like carpet
Suck the white off white chocolate"

So next time someone asks you if you'd like some truffle butter...


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