So.. post #1.

From a crappy series-and-movie binging habit, to a more glorified writing one.

And today, I talk about Younger SE2E4.

We certainly know 'you' have

I started and finished SN1 yesterday. General thoughts?  To state the obvious, Liza's young-looking, but in the real-world, maybe not plausibly a millenial. Soft and 'doe-eyed' as she may appear, the slight chin sag and aged cheeks just give off this indelible mom vibe. (Use your thumb to block out upwards from the nose). 

So, I'm wondering. Do you think she portrays millenials in too much of a stereotypical way? Or does she add a layer of complexity that does justice to a true portrays of Gen Ys? She 'is' older, so granted, naturally more complex. In a sense, she literally embodies the maturity of many a millenial in being a 40-year old in the semblance of a 26-year old, thus eliminating the preconceived bias of her 'acting' her age. We millenials, to the rest of the world, are more than meets the eye. 

Can we talk about how big Peter Hermann's endowment is? Liza really needs to knocked on the head or something. He clearly likes her, and has the success, maturity and endowment to back it all up #whypickcharles.

So are we team Charles, or team Josh? Let's compare and contrast.

Ok, so maybe I'm tripping, but I'm having a hard time finding a pic that captures Nico Tortorella's eyes. 

This will have to suffice

Cute? Hunky? Somewhere between the two. In my taste, he's 'somewhere.' He's certainly genetically blessed. Good profile, modelling potential, wash-board abs.. but a little basic for me. He just looks like the next chiseled male model. I find little to no outstanding, captivating uniqueness. If I were to meet him in person, I'd inwardly be like, "you're cute," but I wouldn't be steal a second glance I he walked past me on the street. All the same, just my take. 

#WhypickJosh? So far, he's accepted her as a 40-year old mum (a revelation which in my view totally changes the attraction chemistry), is handsome by any standards, young at heart and appropriately in the same (supposed) age range. 

Big chin, broad neck, big face and overall overall big, tall, muscular proportions. Hot. Older, but not greying. Still attractive. I think it's the eyes that are a tad.. something. All the same, he IS husband material. The forever man by virtue of basic looks. The one you lean on and possibly have a child or two with. Girls, can't you image taking off his shoes after a hard day's work and rubbing his feet as he lies back on a reclining couch? Bliss..

Do I feel the same vibes with Nico? No.

Then comes those annoying crush-triangle conflicts where both have contrasting but compatible qualities that make them equally good picks. If I were her, you obviously know who I'd pick, but since we're in a progressive anti-normative society where the younger guy has a better chance to drive into the sunset with the damsel, despite the safer more pragmatic alternative, I'm going to venture to believe that a frustrating matching of the truly older with the truly younger may be looming in the horizon.

Look, they're as unsatisfied as I am. Producers, do something!

Two #musthavepieces all come from Duff's wardrobe.

I can 100% see myself wearing these (except the crop top and the hat).

Last thing to cover.. or second-last thing (Notable mention of the awkard puns, after Charles' crotch-mishap pick was tweeted and then this dialogue ensues..

Liza cringingly states, "I'm assuming you have seen the tweet"
Charles, puzzled, responds, "No. What tweet?"
Diana Trout interjects in denial, "No, nothing. No tweet has been ..tweet. Charles, have you met the lovely Jennifer 'wiener'?"
Jennifer correctingly responds, "Oh, it's actually Weiner."
Diana, awkwardly fumbling through words, says, "Ye-ah, Wiener, Weiner, we-nis."
"Weiner," Liza and Kelsey jointly attempt to correct her.
"Just like what's in the glass," points Jennifer. 

Right. The last thing. 

Fierce, fun and feisty as ever

Michael Urie. Yes! Yes! Yes! (snapping fingers 3 times).

And with that, let's move onto the next episode (I really do need a life).


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